When CubeViz meets statistical data

It is time for the next free webinar in the LOD2 webinar series: CubeViz – a facetted browser for statistical data. The webinar starts on May 28, 2013 at 4:00 PM CEST.

In this one hour webinar Michael Martin (University of Leipzig, AKSW) will present CubeViz – a facetted browser for statistical data utilizing the RDF Data Cube vocabulary which is the state-of-the-art in representing statistical data in RDF. Based on the vocabulary and the encoded Data Cube, CubeViz is generating a facetted browsing widget that can be used to filter interactively observations to be visualized in charts. Who doesn’t like charts instead of raw (linked) data? :)


So… If you are interested in Linked (Open) Data principles and mechanisms, LOD tools & services and concrete use cases that can be realised using LOD then join us in the free LOD2 webinar series!

Do not forget to register here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/687215863

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2nd release of LOD2 technology stack

LOD2 project consortium announced new LOD2 technology stack release – a set of free tools, services and activities  serving one common purpose: creating knowledge out of interlinked data.

Linked Open Data Lifecycle

Linked Open Data Lifecycle (Photo credit: haschek)

The project coordinator Dr. Sören Auer states that “in a world of an emerging new data economy innovative and scalable mechanisms and technologies are needed to solve the arising data management problems – we see that lots of organisations are seeking for state-of-the-art data publishing and integration technologies along the whole data value chain to be able to efficiently use this growing amount of data. The efficient handling of data – available inside of organisations as well as on the internet – becomes more and more important to reach competitive advantage.

LOD2 tool stack at your service: supporting every step in the Linked Open Data Lifecycle.

This 2nd release of the stack contains updates to the components:

  • Ontowiki,
  • Silk,
  • SigmaEE and
  • Virtuoso,

but also some new components:

  • LOD enabled OpenRefine (by Zemanta),
  • extended version of Silk (University of Mannheim) with link suggestion management from LATC (by DERI),
  • rdfAuthor library (by ULEI) and

LOD2 stack is organized as a Debian package repository and can be relatively easy installed on any Debian-based system (yes, Ubuntu is one of them) or you can try it in an online demo or experiment with it on a virtual machine (you’ll need free VMware player).  In case you need some help with installation, you can also check How-to document with more details and instructions.

Hold on, there’s more.

Next webinar is all about this 2nd release of the LOD2 Stack on December 12, 2012 at 4pm CET. More information and registration are available here.
Join us and the may the LOD force will be with you.

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Information and publishing industry get ready for Linked Open Data!

I’m glad to announce another free one-hour  LOD2webinar, this time it’s about “Linked Open Data in information and publishing industry”. Webinar will be presented by Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH on November 19, 2012, at 4pm CET.

One of the main problems in publishing industry is information overload on one hand and scarce resources giving meaning to information on the other hand. Wolters Kluwer is a LOD2 partner from industry and they provide an use case how LOD and Semantic Web may/can solve this problem for their business. Presentation will guide you through different parts (tools) of the LOD2 stack, which are being used in their use case and expose the challenges that had to be addressed in the last two years. The topics covered are relevant for any industry that deals with a lot of data and documents, not only publishing.

What: LOD2 in information and publishing industry
Who: LOD2 project, presenter: Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH
When: November 19, 2012, 04.00pm – 05.00pm CET
Information & Registration: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/853703530

The LOD2 team is looking forward to meeting you at the webinar!

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